
Anti-drug Safety Education For International Students

In order to help students understand the dangers of drugs and improve their anti-drug ability, the School of International Educationhas brought anti-drug publicity and education to everyone in order to further enhance everyone's awareness of drug prevention.

Harm of drugs

1、Brain lesions:Drugs can directly change the structure of some chemical substances in the human brain, destroy and disrupt the normal high-level nerve activities of the human body, and some even poison or damage nerve tissue.

2、Heart disease:Drugs poison important tissues and organs of the human body, manifested by a drop in blood pressure and bradycardia.

3、Influencing growth:Drug users will suffer from digestion and absorption dysfunction, loss of appetite, and even complete loss of nutritional intake.

4、Infectious diseases:Drugs destroy the body's immune mechanism, making drug users extremely vulnerable to various diseases.

5、Spread AIDS:Drug users use unclean syringes or share syringes to cause direct blood transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or contract HIV through sexual contact.

Chinese Relevant Law and regulationson Drug Control

According to the relevant provision of Article 357 of the Criminal Law Of the People's Republic of China: The term "narcotic drugs" as used in this Law means opium,heroin,methylaniline(ice),morphine,marijuana, cocaine and other narcotic and psychotropic substances that can make people addicted to their use and are controlled under State regulations.  

According to the relevant provision of Article 357 of the Criminal Law Of the People's Republic of China: The term "narcotic drugs" as used in this Law means opium,heroin,methylaniline(ice),morphine,marijuana, cocaine and other narcotic and psychotropic substances that can make people addicted to their use and are controlled under State regulations.  

According to the relevant provision of Article 32 of Narcotics Control Law of the People's Republic of China: The public security organ may make necessary testing on drug addict suspects, and such suspects shall accept the testing; if anyone refuses to accept the testing, a compulsory testing on him is allowed upon the approval of the person in charge of the public security organ of the people's government at or above the county level or its dispatched office.


上一条:对非法就业说“不”Say NO to Illegal Employment!
下一条:防止诈骗Fraud Prevention


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